Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Life is Strange,
It gives us Pain,
Makes us Change,
But, in the end, we Gain..

Life is Strange,
We fight in Vain,
Love in Range,
And, feelings we Tame..

Life is Strange,
We chase the Fame,
Relations we estrange,
And, aim for Acclaims...

Life is Strange,
It plays its Game,
We feel, we Arrange,
Unless, we see the Photoframe..

Life is Strange,
Everyone wants to Gain,
No-one wants to change,
In the end, all we suffer, is Pain!!..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Where's the Time?..

Where's the time
To meet someone..
To greet someone..
To hug someone..
To love someone...

Where's the time
To share a tear..
To feel a fear..
To hold them near..
To spread a cheer...

Where's the time
To lift a child..
To walk a mile..
To take a while
To gift a smile..

Where's the time
To help a needy..
To not be greedy..
To respect a lady
To live without maybe's...

Where's the time
To sit beside your old's...
To talk about their moulds....
To warm them in their colds..
To not look for their golds...

Where's the time
To detach from the files..
To attach with this life..
To push your soul high..
To thank God before you die..

Where's the TIME???

Friday, September 16, 2011

Rebirth of Bicycling

Guys and gals, Mahindra has come out with a new marketing campaign which invites ideas from people; these ideas are put up for public voting and the ideas which get the highest votes get funding from Mahindra.
A friend of mine, Arjit Soni, has also submitted a project that I truly believe in. Its a project which will help u save time, money & most importantly ENVIRONMENT.. (btw, It might help u look sexy too ;) 
 In order to implement the same he needs to garner as many votes for this project as he can.
So ppl just follow the steps mentioned below.. n VOTE!

1. Go to the following link in your browser

2. The above link will take you directly to the project 'Rebirth of Bicycling'. Please read it and if you support it then please vote for it.

3. Click on the GREEN ICON in the top right of the page THAT SAYS 'VOTE'.

4. Please note the last count of votes that the project has received.

5. A new page will pop up, please click on 'YES, VOTE NOW'

6. Now, there are many options to register. However, there is a shortcut for facebook users. Please click on the BLUE ICON in the top right of the page which says 'CONNECT WITH FACEBOOK'

7. It'll ask for permission, please ALLOW

8. And the vote is registered. U shall recieve a confirmation mail. Next time u login to the link.. It will show a VOTED mark.. instead of VOTE

So guys.. Go ahead.. n Make it happen...!!
PS: "Be the change you want to see" - Mahatma Gandhi

For Arjits Blog Visit:

A special thanks to all of u from Arjit
And loads of love frm ME!!

:) :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Game..

Its hollow inside,
With the whole world outside..
Try to keep the pain aside
& draw a smile so wide..

Finding solace in material,
But its all in vain..
All I experience is
Excruating pain...

Self Betrayal is the name,
Its much needed..
As it keeps me in the game,
To walk the path, much heeded

Emptiness fills my heart,
Wishing we were never apart..
Every beat wants you here,
Shining eyes can hold no more tears..

I find no reason to stay alive,
But a hope never lets me die..
Your face in front of my eyes,
Now its all a lie..

Every moment that I live
Is a Suffering..
This is the only way
to a fake living..

Everytime my phone beeps,
I wish its you..
sending me a smile
with which I grew..

Its all a dream now..
A dream.. that will never come true..,
Coz its ME who's playing the game..
Self Betrayal is its name...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Joy of Giving!!

It is party for a kid who is just a year old. A kid who doesnt know what 'PARTY' means. A kid who cannot even talk, leave alone walk! A kid who can recognise only his parents and atmost his close relatives! Who is totally unaware about animals called friends!.. Who is confused to see the world population gathered in his party..!

He will be the most stunnigly dressed and all made up.. the CANDY BAR!.. Ofcourse, he will love the attention he would get and the gifts being showered on him..But the victim of 'unwelcome-d' love along with kisses from all the aunties in the world doubled with cheek pulling!! phew!!... So much of uncandid love! Obviously.. for a kid for whom a 50grand party has been organised!!

The question is what's the point dude? He wont even remember anything when he is 25..

My mom pounced "Why not? They can afford to.. and every parent wishes to do the best for his/her kid!".. Agreed mom.. but how do u define doing the BEST?
She retaliated: "Parents satisfaction. You wont understand"...
Lolzz.. yes mom, I dont understand!!.. 'Satisfaction' .. Lolzzz.. Satisfying what?? Their ego?? Their Status??.. So that 'your' friend will have a PLANE PARTY for their one year old child? What the Heck...! Ridiculous!

Amist, all of this, what does your child learn? He learns to buy expensive clothes? or to display his high class attitude? or how to USE(read Waste) the hard earned money? And then you fuss about them wasting so much of money. Boss, Its your own bloody fault...

Had you thought him to GIVE at the age when you threw a 50grand party for him or had you made him realise how lucky he was to lead a lifestyle that only 20% of the population in India live, he would have grown up with a gratitude that would have stopped him wasting his life away!

I dont say, dont celebrate. I dont say live in rags when you have all the riches. I dont say dont pamper your child. Everyone does. They should! Your child is you Prince/princess. Give him all that you can.

But wait. Stop here and think. What do u want to give him? An artifical life? All material? Did you think about the JOY OF GIVING?

If you threw a 50grand party for him, did you make him give a 1000 rupee note to the needy? Did you give him a chance to feel the smile that spreads on your maid's or her child's face who eats what he wastes? or the warmth of feeding the old hungry man sitting on the street, while he lays on his soft cot?.. Dont tell me you dont earn enough for it. or you have no time!...

Go on..
Take him to the underprivileged. To the aashram's of little disabled children who smile despite of having no legs.. And he will never cry of new pair of jeans. Show him how they eat 2 slices of bread with milk and he will never waste money eating in a 5 star hotel!

We need to inculcate this in the children right from the beginning. Right from their FIRST BIRTHDAY!.. Trust me, he is sharp enough to understand what you are trying to put in him.. Imbibe in him the GOODNESS!!

Chuck the society! Chuck your ego. Give your child that will help him grow into a human being rather than a machine.. and he wont be too busy to care..!
I am too busy to care, but want to do something. Jaago Re and are helping me do my bit for the society

Sunday, February 13, 2011


You are only a .(dot), when you come to life,
World is a ? the first time you open your eyes..

Living in a place @ home,
You realise your parents and siblings are your own..

+ and - they inculcate in you,
Accept things with a [ and everyday will be new...

School you go to, where % speaks,
Educate yourself to be > your peers..

College is where you learn to have fun,
You fall in love and feel the !..

The chase for $, makes you greedy,
At the end, you know, you have gone all crazy..

Use an & to give a commitment,
You have a partner for all sorrows and achievements..

As time flies, , (comma's) become a fight,
! is the stick, walking side-by-side...

@ Lonliness is your only friend,
World is a ? again, by the time you reach your end...

You were only a .(dot) when you came into life,
And .(full stop) is only, what ends your life!!!...

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Struggling in pain,
Efforts in vain,
Feeling Strangled,
Life's entangled..

Wanna break free,
Wanna start up new,
Passion awaits its way,
Depression has to go far away!

A ray in darkness,
is what i seek..
I feel so dead
When i speak!

Gimme the strength
to follow my dreams,
Renew my soul...
thts the only way to SUCCEED!